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Christian Booklet

Wednesday Night Pot Luck and Bible Study  
Meeting Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall

The Wednesday Night group was started in First Presbyterian in the mid 1970s when John Campbell was minister. It has always been a group that has tried to bring contemporary topics of interest in the Christian Faith to the group and create a lively discussion. Occasionally it has had a set curriculum, but more often it includes ad hoc issues that stretch the thinking of the members. The group usually uses printed materials but often use audio visual materials such as videos with great faith leaders who put issues into new context that made the members deepen and strengthen their Christian experience.   


In recent years the group has tackled the issues with book studies and video studies such as Living the Questions, the Wisdom of Progressive Christianity. When a new development occurred, like the adoption of new creeds or statements of faith, the group would closely examine these faith documents and carefully dissect the thinking behind the issues. 


From the beginning, table fellowship has been important and we have tried to be inclusive. The food has often been a draw for single individuals who felt less welcome in other spaces, such as Joe Vincent and several homeless individuals.    

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